Welcome to my November 2019 Passive Income Update. November was quite something.

The month started in Dhaka (Bangladesh) and continued in Bangkok (Thailand) where I found myself working 14 hour workdays – including weekends – for 2.5 weeks straight, completing two work assignments in parallel. Not quite the November I had imagined.

I have learnt my lesson. This is not the life I want. πŸ™…

Hectic days in Dhaka, Bangladesh
Hectic days in Dhaka, Bangladesh

As I wrote in my October Update, something that I want to work on next year is to say more ‘no’ to jobs. Knowing that my passive income can support more than 2/3 of my living expenses, I don’t need to work 40-50-60 hour weeks. πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»

While the first half of November was hectic and restless, the remainder of the month was wonderful. I spent time in Qatar, in Turkey, and in the US — unwinding and slowing down. Working less, spending time with friends and family, and lots of time outdoors (running, hiking, exploring). That’s the life I want more of in 2020.

My passive income in November totalled 990,82 EUR (~1091.70 USD) which is phenomenal. I didn’t touch any of my investments, everything ran fully on auto-pilot, and the 990,82 EUR is really 100% passive income. It is slighly less than in October, due to slighly lower interest rates, but that is fine.

I would like to keep the tradition, looking at compound interest of my P2P loans, which I started in my September Passive Income Update. Below graph shows how my investment portfolio keeps growing by itself every month – thanks to compound interest – without me adding additional funds. The graph visualizes the growth of my P2P Lending Portfolio over the past 7 months (and this is absolutely without adding new funds!). It is unbelievable!

Value of my P2P Lending Portfolio (Mintos, Swaper, Grupeer, EstateGuru, Crowdestate)
Value of my P2P Lending Portfolio (Mintos, Swaper, Grupeer, EstateGuru, Crowdestate)

Now, on to my passive income numbers for November 2019!

December 2019 P2P-Lending Interest Rates
December 2019 P2P-Lending Interest Rates

November 2019 Passive Income Update

My total passive income in November 2019:
– P2P lending: 607.09 EUR
– Real Estate Lending: 23.49 EUR
– ETF Dividends: 96.15 EUR
– Stock Photos/Videos: 263.64 EUR

TOTAL: 990.82 EUR (~1091.70 USD)

P2P Lending & Real Estate Lending Update – November 2019

Total Passive Income from P2P Lending, P2P Real Estate Lending, ETF Dividends and Stock Sales.
Total Passive Income from P2P Lending, P2P Real Estate Lending, ETF Dividends and Stock Sales.

P2P Lending PlatformNov'19 Interest IncomeNov'19 XIRRTotal Investment
Mintos€ 294.6810.16%€ 29,000.00
Swaper€ 170.5913.14%€ 14,000.00
Grupeer€ 141.8213.15%€ 12,000.00
Estateguru€ 5.943.39%€ 2,000.00
Crowdestate€ 18.0010.80% € 2,000.00

P2P & Real Estate Lending Overview – November 2019 Passive Income Update

As part of my November 2019 passive income update, here is a quick overview of passive income that I am earning from three (3) P2P Lending and two (2) Real-Estate P2P Lending platforms that I am investing in.

  • Mintos: Despite slighly lower interest rates than other platforms, Mintos remains my favorite P2P lending platform. Mintos is the biggest and fastest growing platform in the European P2P Lending market with thousands of investors signing up for free every month. My Mintos auto-invest portfolio is including loans with interest rate starting from 9.5% (still only acceping loan originators with A+, A, A-, B+, and B rankings and with BuyBack guarantee).

    I have a total of 29,000 EUR invested on Mintos which represents 26% of my total investment portfolio. The money is spread across 24 loan originators (all with ratings from A+ to B) in 20 countries, which gives me a good diversification. My interest income from Mintos in November was 294.68 EUR with a self-calculated interest rate of 10.16% p.a.

    If you are new to Mintos, have a look at my Mintos review which includes my auto-invest settings.
Mintos has more than 200,000 P2P Investors worldwide
Mintos has more than 200,000 P2P Investors worldwide

  • Swaper: I am experiencing serios cash drag on Swaper. As of today, only 68 % of my money is invested and more than 4000 EUR are lying around waiting for new loans to become available (= cash drag).
    My total interest rate on Swaper in November dipped to 13.14% (= 170,59 EUR). Due to the heavy cash drag, I am afraid that my December interest rate will be much lower unless if new loans become available soon. I will wait a week and then decide if I move the “unused” money to Grupeer. I will report on the Facebook page.

    Also, I recently updated my Swaper review, which now includes more information about the platform and my auto-invest settings.

    What else? All investors signing up through this link will receive a “VIP Swaper Loyalty Bonus” if they invest more than 5000 EUR. This means instead of a 12% profit, you’ll earn 14% if your account balance is above 5000 EUR for three consecutive months! πŸ’Έ
Swaper celebrates its 3rd birthday
Swaper celebrates its 3rd birthday

  • Grupeer: Grupeer is doing amazing. My 12.000 EUR are fully invested and I received 141,82 EUR interest in November (= 13.15% interest p.a.), which were immediately re-invested (compound interest!) without any cash drag.

    I started investing on Grupeer in January this year. Over the past 11 months, the 12.000 EUR that I invested have grown to 13.082 EUR, which is incredible. I am planning on adding 3.000 EUR in the coming weeks which I have been saving from recent work assignments.

    The Grupeer platform currently grows at around 15% per month, which shows the success of the platform. What is really great is that despite the many new investors, plenty of loans are available (all protected with BuyBack guarantee) and Grupeer works hard to maintain their “zero default” record.

    What else? Grupeer has a 0.5% 1% Cashback offer for Investors that invest at least 1000 EUR on the platform before the end of the year. It’s a the more you invest, the more you get offer. If you invest an additional 1000 EUR before Dec 31, you receive 0.5% cashback. If you invest 1500 EUR you get 0.7% cashback. If you invest 2000 EUR you receive 1% cashback. The campaign is active until 31 December 2019 and works through this link. Read my updated Grupeer review to see my auto-invest settings and to see what to look out for when investing on Grupeer.
Grupeer has a 0.5% – 1% Cashback offer for Investors that invest at least 1000 EUR on the platform before the end of the year. If you invest an additional 1000 EUR before Dec 31, you receive 0.5% cashback. If you invest 1500 EUR you get 0.7% cashback. If you invest 2000 EUR you receive 1% cashback. The campaign is active until 31 December 2019 and works through this link.

  • EstateGuru: Still the same good performance: All six investments are performing on time.

    Most of my loans on EstateGuru are either bullet or full bullet loans, which means that either principals or both interest+principals are being paid in full at the end of the loan period. Unfortunately, that means that some months I receive large interest and principal payments, some months I receive nothing. I recently updated my EstateGuru review in which I explain details as well as show how to receive a 0.5% bonus as a new investor.

    What else? I just saw that EstateGuru has some new loans available (10.75% p.a. & 11% p.a.). If I had some money lying around, I would invest more on EstateGuru.

  • CrowdEstate: Not so great news. The 2 loans that were delayed (with H.M. Seafood OÜ) have been terminated by CrowdEstate in fear of an eminent bankruptcy of H.M. Seafood OÜ. The borrower was reqeusted to make the full repayment of outstanding obligations by December 17th, 2019. My remaining principal is 384 EUR (thanks to broad diversification!) so I am not too worried. It’s definitely interesting to see how the situation unfolds and how CrowdEstate will communicate with its investors.

    I have invested 2,000 EUR in CrowdEstate which have been auto-invested in 7 loans with an average interest rate of 11.83 % per year. As I had mentioned in earlier reviews, I prefer EstateGuru over CrowdEstate due to their more stringent diligence and better-secured loans, in return for slightly smaller interest rates.

ExchangeTraded Funds (ETF) Update – November 2019 πŸ₯³

My decision to start investing in the MSCI World ETF back in 2016 was one of the best decisions of my life. I am explaining details in my ETF portfolio post, but in a nutshell, I believe there is no better and more cost-effective way to save & invest long term (e.g. for retirement) while earning some passive income from dividends.

Since I started investing in the MSCI World ETF in 2016, the value has increased by 43%. The shares that I bought originally for 145.09 EUR a piece – and kept on buying more shares of over the years – are today valued 208.55 EUR. Looking at below graph of the MSCI World ETF (UBS UCTIS), I would say it’s hard to find a better, more stable, cost-efficient, and diversified investment. Why? More in my ETF portfolio post. πŸ₯³

Performance chart of UBS ETF (LU) MSCI World UCITS ETF (USD) A-dis
Performance chart of MSCI World ETF (c) justetf.com

I had sold my DAX ETF in October (around 14,000 EUR) and am still waiting for a good moment to invest it in the MSCI World. Why am I changing from Dax ETF to MSCI World ETF? The DAX ETF is based on 30 German companies, whereas the MSCI World is based on 1,600 companies from the 23 most advanced countries. Much more and much better diversification. More here.

Overall, my ETF portfolio has been doing really incredible this year: Since 1 Jan 2019 my ETF portfolio has gained 26,79% in value. Since I started in 2016, the value of my portfolio has even increased by 47.06%. In EUR terms, that means that the 63,000 EUR that I invested over time since 2016, are today valued 81,284.30 EUR and I received an additional 2927 EUR in dividends over the past three years (which I used and spent as passive income).

My ETF Portfolio since beginning of this year (c) justetf.com
My ETF Portfolio since beginning of this year (c) justetf.com
Overview of my current ETF portfolio (c) justetf.com
Overview of my current ETF portfolio (c) justetf.com

That’s it for my November 2019 Passive Income Update! I hope all of you are enjoy the first days of December. Christmas is 23 days away, which is hard to believe. πŸŽ„ If you like to, please follow my journey on my Facebook Financial Freedom Journey page for more frequent updates. And as always: If you have any questions or comments, please pop them in the comment section below or get in touch via Facebook or Email.

All the best and happy December,
Peter πŸ‘‹